First Posting
This is my first posting, and I am entirely new to this. Hello Everyone. I have called my blog Immoral Majority, which was apparently already taken, but since I am sure that no one will be reading anyway, I don't think it matters. My reasoning for creating this blog is to give me an outlet to rant about all that I see as wrong with the world, including all factions in society from religious conservatives to the two business parties in Washington. I typically vote for the democrats, but I rarely support them enthusiastically, and I consider myself non-partisan. I feel that both parties represent elite interests, and have "manufactured consent" by limiting the discourse to certain "hot-button" issues, while ignoring the more relevant, pressing needs of society and the world; needs which conflict with their interests, such as the rising disparity between their economic status and that of the working poor.
I do not believe in conspiracies. I do, however, believe that economic and social factors have contributed to create a prevailing ideology among those in power. While the right and the left fight bitterly with one another about certain, largely irrelevant issues, there is an unspoken agreement with the economic imperialism practiced by U.S. corporations, demonstrated through support of world leaders who are friendly to such interests, and everything from direct or indirect subversion to outright military confrontation with those who are unfriendly, i.e. those who place the interests of their own people above those of American corporations.
I welcome any comments here, or through email at
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