Just say no to corporations

Friday, July 14, 2006

"What Not To Watch"

"In These Times" has a great article about fashion shows - called, cleverly, "What Not To Watch." [link].

I have been complaining for years about the show "What Not To Wear" on TLC (which used to be "The Learning Channel" until they had to change the name because they replaced all of the "learning" with shows that serve no purpose other than to advocate for materialism).

Of such materialsm promoting shows, there are none worse than "What Not To Wear." The show takes people that they consider unfashionable and ridicule them until they give up their individuality and agree to look like everyone else. The lead female "fashion expert" is very fond of telling people that they should be arrested for going out in public dressed as they do before they give in and conform.

To me, I think the central theme of the show is about destroying any individuality that people may have that is not condusive to selling products. Wearing clothes that are a little old or outdated means that you are not fulfilling the responsibility that you have as a consumer to purchase whatever crap that the companies tell you to purchase.


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