Just say no to corporations

Friday, October 03, 2008

Paralyze The City?

The Chicago cab drivers have threatened to strike unless they get a 16% raise in fairs. They say the strike will "paralyze the city." The very idea of that is completely ridiculous. No one takes a taxi on a regular basis because it's just too expensive compared to other easily accessible forms of transportation.

I say, let them strike. Taxis are a menace. A strike would only show the city what a wonderful place Chicago can be without them. Pedestrians would be safe to cross the street without a taxi nearly running them over at every third intersection. There may be about 10,000 taxis in the city, but they produce as much traffic congestion as 30,000 regular vehicles, with their abrupt lane changes, u-turns, and left turns from the right lane.

I have sympathy for them with the price of gas, but that sympathy goes right out the window when within 30 seconds of stepping out of my office, I see a taxi force it's way through a crowd of people who are crossing the street on the walk signal, honking at them to get the hell out of his way, showing no concern when the powerless cop directing traffic yells at him.


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