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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

John Negroponte

Here is an excellent summary of newly appointed counter-terrorism czar John Negroponte's role as one of the primary planners in the terrorist war in Nicaragua in the 1980's. His official position was as the U.S. ambassador to Honduras, and he facilitated the use of Honduras as a staging area for the contras. Thanks to Dennis Ott on ZNet.

"Negroponte’s pretend job in Honduras was to implement the pretend U.S. policy of democracy promotion. (Sound familiar?) His real job was to prevent any meaningful democracy, and to ensure that key foreign-policy decisions were made not by the democratic façade — the irrelevant Honduran president and legislature — but by two hard-nosed, hard-line SOBs: Negroponte and the head of the armed forces, General Gustavo Alvarez."


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