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Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Number One Domestic Terror Threat

Is it the KKK? Is it right-wing extremists? Is it radical anti-abortion groups? Is it domestic Islamic extremists? Is it individuals like Timothy McVeigh?

No. The Number One domestic terror threat is much more dangerous than any of the above groups. They are worse than any previously know domestic terrorist group, even more dangerous than the NAACP. According to an FBI official who testified before a Senate comittee, the Number One domestic terror threat is... Environmental and Animal Rights activists!

While they do not have any history of actual violence, unlike the groups mentioned above, and show no signs of violence targeting human life, the FBI has observed "an escalation in violent rhetoric and tactics." The two worst terrorist groups, the Animal Liberation Front and Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty, aim to stop animal abuse by taking "direct action" to rescue animals and cause financial loss to animal abusers through damage and destruction of property.

Action must be taken immediately to stop these "eco-terrorists" before they destroy the very fabric of our American society.

It is believed that these groups receive most of their funding through "mainstream activists" in tax-exempt organizations. According to the FBI, "Just like Al Queda or any other terrorist organization, ELF and ALF cannot accomplish their goals without money, membership and the media." So the best way to stop this threat, the single greatest threat we have ever faced since gay marriage and the civil rights movement, is to avoid support of any activist group, because you never know if they might have secret ties to animal rights or environmental activism.

Just cutting off their direct support is not enough. We have to show them that it is not acceptable in American society to preserve the environment and stop animal cruelty. I recommend that all of my readers go home tonight in the least fuel efficient way possible, crank up the air conditioning, cook a nice veal steak, watch American Idol, and always remember to spend, spend, spend, because spending money is the most patriotic thing you can do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earth First. Sabotaged a guitarist's camper-van because it was environmentally damaging and nearly caused the death of the guitarist and his family. This is what they did to someone who was singing songs at their rallies for free in support of the green lifestyle. The hydro-electric plants (yes, silly targets..) they planned to blow up were saved by several arrests.

You're failing to distinguish between means and methods. No one (sane) is againts Islam. No one is really against the environment. They're only against people who want to blow things up and kill people, regardless of what they believe. The goal is pretty much a global nerf society. Pretty touchy-feely when it comes down to it.

Sunday, 22 May, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a link to back up that claim about Earth First? Hydro-electric plants are silly targets? Why because the acres of land sunk under artificial lakes are somehow irrelevant? You are gladly buying what you perceive as the lesser evil just because there is a bigger one. Sounds like the War On Terror propaganda game to me. National Id is ok because of Osama, er I mean Saddam, or wait, somebody is evil, maybe hippies.

The business interests and the politicians they own aren't against the environment, they are just for greater profit with no concern whatseoever about the environment. The results are no different. Also, they're not only against people who blow things up. Look at McVeigh. Right wingers have actually killed hundreds of people in this country, but people who supposedly sabotage vans are the number one threat?

You're just buying a different set of bullshit.

Sunday, 22 May, 2005

Blogger Immoral Majority said...

All that I was trying to say was that I think that "eco-terrorists" could hardly be considered the greatest domestic terrorism threat currently facing us. I was not trying to say that these people are at all sane, or even harmless, but as Anonymous#2 said, the sabotaging of a van doesn't really compare to Oklahoma City or the Anthrax in Washington, etc.

I hadn't heard about anyone trying to blow up a hydro-electric plant, but shouldn't those people be in favor of hydro-electric power? If they were really environmental activists, wouldn't they rather have a small, man-made lake than several large coal-fired power plants dumping toxins into the air, and polluting the lakes and streams with hot waste water?

I think the FBI testimony was a reaction to what they saw as a counter-culture that they didn't understand, and were therefore afraid of. They had the same reaction during the civil rights movement when they put the NAACP on the list of terrorist organizations, and tried to label MLK as a communist.

Monday, 23 May, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well agreed about the FBI going after any counter-culture they don't understand. In a way it's a side effect of their function. They go after people, and when they decide who to go after they do so based on "intelligence", which is what they call what some guy in a suit thinks about weirdos like us.

Re: Earth First
The story was told to us as an anecdote while we watched the folk-singer play. I found it strangely ironic that the organizers, supposedly good left-leaning people, were falling all over themselves trying to suppress this story. The guy was never invited back, because he told the truth about something that happened to him. That struck me as more unjust than favoring jobs to wildlife.. sorry.

Wednesday, 25 May, 2005


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