Just say no to corporations

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Bill Hemmer is a Tool

Bill Hemmer is leaving CNN [link].

I am reminded of their coverage of the Loyalty Oaths that Cheney made reporters sign in order to be let in to his press conferences. Rather than treat it like actual news, they showed a segment from The Daily Show which made fun of the spelling errors. The actual Daily Show story was more extensive, and expressed outrage that the oaths were required at all, but the only part that was shown on CNN was the part about the spelling errors. It essentially said that the oaths themselves were not an issue at all, but that the spelling errors were quite comical. And then, of course, after the clip, Bill Hemmer made some stupid comment about how those guys need to remember to proof-read.

Now if they could just get rid of Jack Cafferty, Soledad O'Brien, Wolf Blitzer, Robert Novak, Tucker Carlson, Paul Begala, James Carville, Paula Zahn, Aaron Brown, Lou Dobbs, and Anderson Cooper, I might just give them a chance. Maybe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We already live in fear.

Making an issue of spelling errors is safe.

Promoting actual freedom might not be.

Saturday, 11 June, 2005

Blogger Immoral Majority said...

There is a legitimate argument for fear as a motivation after the way that Dan Rather and Newsweek and others have been treated, but the media imposes this censorship on itself. The White House makes very strong condemnations of members of the media whenever anything is said which they disagree with, but that is it. There is no actual mechanism to force the media to be complacent, other than the almighty dollar. They fear only the loss of ad revenue.

I believe this is a somewhat unfounded fear, however. A popular program will attract sponsors, no matter how controversial. There are many popular liberal programs, such as The Daily Show, and it seems that they are actually doing better than most of the major news programs.

Monday, 13 June, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Bill Hemmer of FOX. CBS anchor Otis Livingston that i met told me he had secret sexual relation with Bill Hemmer’s wife, Livingston also wants to kill Hemmer’s wife if she will open her mouth. Bill Hemmer must becareful of Otis Livingston he is madman and dangerous!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 25 July, 2018


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