British Soldiers Given the Guantanamo Treatment?
The allegations of mistreatment of the British soldiers while in Iranian custody just proves the point that is so obvious that it probably isn't even worth posting about. By all accounts, the Iranians treated the British soldiers better than is officially allowed for suspects in US custody:
"We were blindfolded, our hands were bound and we were forced up against a wall. Throughout our ordeal we faced constant psychological pressure," Carman said. "All of us were kept in isolation. We were interrogated most nights and presented with two options. If we admitted that we'd strayed, we'd be on a plane to (Britain) pretty soon. If we didn't, we faced up to seven years in prison." [source]
Constant psychological pressure? In Guantanamo, every aspect of a prisoner's life is seen as potential leverage to be used in interrogations, such as extreme temperatures, sleep deprivation, etc.
Threats of seven years in prison? The US uses the threat of indefinite imprisonment as leverage.
This, of course, is to say nothing of the secret interrogations, where prisoners are taken (often kidnapped) by the CIA and brought to countries with little or no laws regarding torture. There's no way of even knowing what goes on in those cases.
Consistency is hardly a consideration, though, for the current administration, so I have little doubt that they will simply condemn the treatment and pretend it doesn't have anything to do with the treatment of US prisoners.
Great post. One good thing about Dubya's "presidency" (yes, there is something good about it) is that it has helped expose the "values" that the US represents. In other words, everyone in the world, including Americans, now know for a fact that the US represents the incarnation of the law of the jungle. When US officials now condemn the behavior of other coutnries, they don't even convince themselves. And... that's a good thing.
Wednesday, 18 April, 2007
Thank you for your comment.
It has been a long time since the US could condemn any country for it's behavior, as in Iraq, where they knew they had no credibility to attack with the goal of liberating Iraqis from Saddam. I wish mainstream Americans realized that.
Friday, 20 April, 2007
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