Today is the international labor holiday known as May Day. For a brief history, please see my
previous post. If you are in the United States, however, Labor Day was moved to the fall, and today is actually now referred to as "
Loyalty Day," a day to reaffirm one's loyalty to this country. That's because, as everyone knows, advocating a 40 hour work week demonstrates a lack of loyalty to this country.
In honor of May Day, Chicago Public Radio aired a
story about a sculpture outside of the "famously free-market" economics department at the University of Chicago. According to the story, every year on May Day, the sun shines just right to cast a shadow in the shape of a hammer and sickle, like the flag of the Soviet Union. Here is the picture:

It's a little vague to me, but I think just the idea of it is brilliant. It reminds me of the time when I was in High School, and someone supposedly planted Marijuana seeds under the giant bronze elk statue in front of the police station in the town where I grew up.