Just say no to corporations

Friday, May 30, 2008

McCain ads

Has anyone else noticed how the McCain campaign is advertising on Eschaton? At first, I was thinking that it was a waste of money for them, but then I realized, there's probably quite a few conservatives who go to the site just to argue with the dirty hippies.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day

Today is the international labor holiday known as May Day. For a brief history, please see my previous post. If you are in the United States, however, Labor Day was moved to the fall, and today is actually now referred to as "Loyalty Day," a day to reaffirm one's loyalty to this country. That's because, as everyone knows, advocating a 40 hour work week demonstrates a lack of loyalty to this country.

In honor of May Day, Chicago Public Radio aired a story about a sculpture outside of the "famously free-market" economics department at the University of Chicago. According to the story, every year on May Day, the sun shines just right to cast a shadow in the shape of a hammer and sickle, like the flag of the Soviet Union. Here is the picture:

It's a little vague to me, but I think just the idea of it is brilliant. It reminds me of the time when I was in High School, and someone supposedly planted Marijuana seeds under the giant bronze elk statue in front of the police station in the town where I grew up.